Thursday, October 23, 2008

“Are Rhodes Students Snobs or They Are Influenced By The Gtown Environment??”
I totally agree with the points that you have made in your opinion piece. I am so tired of being looked down upon just because I choose to speak English and just because I choose to conduct myself in a manner that most black people do not consider “black enough” . I just really feel that these people envy us and they want to be like us. It is YOUR choice if you want to date outside of your race. Black people just need to get over themselves! They should stop feeling sorry for themselves and actually begin doing positive things with their lives. So what if we want to act like snobs? Who cares? As long as we are living our lives the way WE want then to hell with the rest of them. I respect the fact that you tackled such a hair raising issue because I am just so tired of all the name calling and belittling by people who claim to love us! If you love me, you will accept me and MY SNOBISH WAYS!
Boitumelo Msiza aka Diva 101 of