Take it easy...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dear Friend

One of the most important and life-changing pieces of advice that I can give you is: DON’T STRESS. It may seem a simple enough thing to do, but I can promise you, it is not as easy as you think. When you’re sitting at one o’clock in the morning trying to finish an assignment, cramming before an exam in swot week, or anxious because you have already spent all your money for the month - you will stress. Here are three useful tips to help you de-stress.

It is pertinent to remember that in university, academics aren’t everything. Our parents might disagree but it’s true. One way to relieve stress is to find a balance in your life on campus. Living away from home is fantastic because we don’t hear constant nagging from Mom or have to adhere to curfews; however, without those aspects controlling us, we have to discipline ourselves. While staying on track with academics, you need to take time to have fun and relax. Perhaps take five minutes each morning to meditate and gather your thoughts.

That reminds me, you need to learn time management. It’s easy to get side-tracked by the wonders of DC++, especially when it’s time to start knuckling down with work. I’ve learnt that no matter what subjects you’re studying, there will always be an abundance of readings that are impossible to complete in one night. If you put you break down the work, and do a little each day, there will be no stressing the night before assignments and exams.

Lastly, I think it’s important for you to stay healthy. How can you possibly work and learn effectively if you are falling ill or feeling lazy? It’s often difficult to find both nutritious and tasty dining hall food, but you can stay healthy by having fresh fruit and vitamins. The key to a healthy mind, is a healthy body.

I hope these hints will help you stay happy and relaxed in your first year of university. Good luck!

Yours sincerely,
